Monday, March 5, 2012

Wilton Celebrates Punch. Cut. Decorate! With New Idea Book

WOODRIDGE, Ill., March 5, 2012 -- Wilton Enterprises, the leader in food crafting, has announced the release of its brand-new collection of cake and treat designs, Punch. Cut. Decorate! . The book is based on Wilton's cutting-edge system that combines the hands-on hobbies of scrapbooking and paper crafting with the tasty techniques of food crafting and cake decorating.

"This new way of decorating has piqued the interest of the full range of at-home bakers – from beginners to committed cake decorators," says Nancy Siler, vice president of consumer affairs at Wilton. "The book reveals more than 225 ideas and techniques using our breakthrough decorating system introduced in 2011."
Ideas include:
  • Goodie Galleries! Quick takes on terrific treats including kids' cookie "self-portreats."
  • Birthday Wishes! Knock-out cakes that look like princess castles, wacky robots or even golf courses.
  • Major Moments! Cakes that rise to every special occasion – showers, graduations, even weddings.

Sugar Sheets™ ! Edible Decorating Paper and a complete line of punches and cutting tools make it easy for at-home bakers to mimic the cakes, cookies, cupcakes and more featured in the book.

New tools and materials for 2012 include:

The 128-page, full color Punch. Cut. Decorate! book also features step-by-step instructions, helpful hints and recipes, and pattern pages for precision results. It can be purchased for $14.99 at specialty, craft, discount and select department stores; online at or by calling 1-800-794-5866.

About Wilton Enterprises
Wilton Enterprises, based in Woodridge, Illinois and founded in 1929, is the leading food crafting company in the industry, with the number one position in cake decorating and bakeware. Wilton classes, publications and products help millions of people create impressive party desserts. For the latest information on products and ideas for all occasions, visit To locate the closest Wilton® Method Cake Decorating class, call 800-942-8881.

SOURCE Wilton Enterprises

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